
Say Goodbye to Cravings & Embrace Food Freedom This Summer!

*without giving up on delicious flavors or the joy of eating

Food Freedom Challenge_cr

You’ve taken the first steps with our free 5-day series, but there's so much more to learn and achieve. What if you miss a video or want to dive deeper?

On this page, you have the opportunity to upgrade your experience and continue your transformation for just $9. Here's what you'll get:

  • 9 additional days of vital lessons on managing cravings and discovering healthier, joyful alternatives (see below for the daily agenda)
  • Insights from renowned experts like Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Doug Lisle, and Chef Darshana Thacker
  • More delicious recipes to keep the flavor but lose the guilt, featuring revamped versions of your favorite dishes.
  • Extended access (instead of 24 hours per video during the free streaming)
  • Access to our recipe vault of 300+ recipes (100% plant-based and weight loss friendly)
  • Private community (no social media required)
  • Access to other 30+ cooking demos
  • 2 weekly live sessions with the community to be inspired and stay on track

And much more...

$97 Just $9 Gets You:

The Full 14-Day Food Freedom Challenge


Video 1

Chef AJ’s Journey to Freedom

Ever feel like you’re battling food cravings all alone, doubting if you’ll ever break free from unhealthy eating habits? Chef AJ understands that struggle all too well. On day 1, she opens up about her own journey from food addiction to freedom, offering hope and practical advice for overcoming similar challenges. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How Chef AJ recognized her own food addiction and what inspired her to change (hint: it involves a powerful movie scene).
  • Learn about the biological reasons behind food cravings and how they affect your brain and behavior.
  • Refined Food Addiction: Learn how this differs from general overeating and what it means for your health.
  • Discover actionable steps to break free from the cycle of sugar and processed food addiction.

… and much more! Ready to take the first step towards lasting food freedom? Join us and transform your relationship with food.

>> Free 24 hour access - upgrade for more


Video 2

The Truth About Processed Foods

Picture this: you're driving home after a long day, and all you can think about is that bag of chips waiting for you in the pantry. It's like an automatic craving that you can't shake off. Ever wondered why certain foods have such a strong hold on us? On Day 2, our experts delve into the science behind these cravings and offer insights on how to break free from their grip. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What makes certain foods addictive: Learn how the processing of foods turns them into addictive substances.
  • Uncover the tactics the food industry uses to make you crave more (from marketing to ingredient combinations)
  • What are ultra-processed and hyper-palatable foods? Learn how these foods are designed to keep you hooked and why they’re so hard to resist.
  • Find out how to reset your brain and overcome the powerful cravings created by processed foods.

… and there’s plenty more! Join us to gain the knowledge and tools you need to wave goodbye to those pesky cravings and embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

>> Free 24 hour access - upgrade for more


Video 3

Identifying True Hunger

It’s late at night, and despite having a full dinner, you find yourself reaching for snacks. What if this constant craving isn’t about hunger at all? On Day 3, Dr. Joel Furhman helps us unravel the mystery of true hunger and how to listen to our body's real needs. Here’s a sneak peek:

  • True Hunger vs. Addictive Hunger: How to tell the difference and why true hunger never leads to overeating.
  • Find out how to distinguish between emotional and physical cravings and strategies to overcome them.
  • The Impact of Processed Foods: Understand how toxic foods can overstimulate dopamine, leading to cravings and emotional eating.
  • Discover the importance of setting up your home and social network to support your healthy eating goals.

… and there’s plenty more to explore! Are you ready to take charge of your eating habits and discover the true meaning of hunger? Join us on this transformative journey!

>> Free 24 hour access - upgrade for more


Video 4

Elevate Your Flavors

Have you hosted a summer gathering where your plant-based dishes felt a bit bland, and you promised yourself you'd find a way to make them more exciting? On day 4, Chefs Katie Mae and Matthew Kenney will reveal how to elevate your dishes with rich, layered flavors that everyone will love. You’ll learn:

  • Discover the secret to creating deep, savory flavors in plant-based meals without relying on artificial additives.
  • How to Enhance Umami - Find out how roasting, marinating, and fermenting can transform the flavors of your vegetables.
  • Understand how to mix raw and cooked elements in your meals to boost both flavor and nutrition.
  • Incorporating “Secret Ingredients”: Find out which powerful ingredients can enhance both the flavor and nutritional value of your meals.

…and so much more! Ready to transform your cooking and enjoy every bite of your plant-based journey? Join us and take your meals to the next level!

>> Free 24 hour access - upgrade for more


Video 5

Feeling Full and Losing Weight

Imagine sitting down to a delicious meal and feeling completely satisfied, even while losing weight. Sounds too good to be true? Discover the secret to staying full and content while shedding pounds. Dr. Barbara Rolls explains how you can enjoy hearty meals without the guilt. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:

  • What is Volumetrics? Understand how focusing on calorie density can help you eat more food and still lose weight.
  • Why Portion Control Fails - Learn why limiting your food intake often leads to hunger and dissatisfaction.
  • The Power of Water-Rich Foods: Discover why foods high in water content help you feel full with fewer calories.
  • Find out how simple changes to your favorite dishes can significantly lower their calorie density while keeping them delicious.

… and so much more! Get ready to enjoy your meals and feel satisfied while achieving your weight loss goals.

>> Free 24 hour access - upgrade for more

Upgrade here

Extended access, 9 additional days, More recipes, community, downloads, + a 30-day trial of Feel Fabulous for just $9

9 additional days


These days are not part of the free series July 9-13 but you'll get extended access to everything when you upgrade on this page.


Video 6

Breaking Free from Food Addiction

Ever found yourself unable to stop eating certain foods, even when you know they're not good for you? Food addiction can be just as challenging as any other addiction, but understanding it is the first step to breaking free. On day 6, Dr. Vera Tarman delves into the complexities of food addiction and shares essential tools to help you overcome it. Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • What is food addiction? Discover the surprising ways food can become an addiction, just like drugs or alcohol.
  • Why do some people get addicted to certain foods while others don’t? (Uncover the role of genetics and life stages)
  • The brain's role in addiction - Learn about the key chemicals and pathways in your brain that make certain foods irresistible.
  • Explore practical strategies and support systems that can help you reclaim control over your eating habits.

… and so much more! Join us to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to break free from food addiction and embrace a balanced, nourishing lifestyle.

>> Upgrade here for extended access


Video 7

Hormones and Hunger

It’s the middle of the afternoon, and you’ve just finished your lunch, but now you’re hit with an intense craving for something sweet or salty. Sound familiar? Our hormones play a big role in these moments. On Day 7, Dr. Frank Sabatino dives into the world of hormones and how they affect our hunger, cravings, and weight. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How hormones like ghrelin, leptin, and insulin influence your cravings (and what you can do to balance them).
  • Why switching to complex carbs can make you feel full and satisfied without the extra calories.
  • Learn how refined foods disrupt your gut health and drive cravings, making it difficult to stick to a healthy diet.
  • Simple lifestyle changes that can regulate your hormones and make weight loss easier (think sleep, diet, and stress management).

... and there’s plenty more! Discover how to harness your body's natural signals to transform your relationship with food.

>> Upgrade here for extended access


Video 8

Why We Eat Our Feelings

Did you have one of those days where everything seems to go wrong, and you find yourself reaching for comfort food to cope? Maybe it's a rough day at work, an argument with a loved one, or just feeling overwhelmed by life. On Day 8, we delve into the intricate relationship between our emotions and our eating habits. You'll uncover:

  • Understanding Emotional Eating: Why we often turn to food for comfort when stressed, anxious, or unhappy.
  • Physical Hunger vs. Emotional Cravings — Understand the difference and find out how to manage them effectively.
  • Identifying Triggers: How certain situations and emotions make us feel powerless and lead to overeating.
  • Practical tips and expert advice on how to manage emotional eating and regain control over your food choices.

… and much more! Ready to understand the root of your emotional eating and take control of your habits? Join us to uncover these insights and more.

>> Upgrade here for extended access


Video 9

Finding Pleasure Beyond Food

Many of us turn to food not just for nourishment, but to celebrate, comfort ourselves, and connect with others. But what happens when we start eating healthfully and food is no longer the main source of pleasure? On Day 9, John Pierre and Chef AJ will show you how to find joy beyond the plate. You’ll learn:

  • Why do we crave high-calorie foods? Understand why certain foods trigger more pleasure than others.
  • Three dopamine blasts a day - Learn about limiting your pleasure from food and finding other sources of joy.
  • The role of environment in managing food addiction (Learn why cleaning up your environment is crucial for long-term success)
  • How can you find joy beyond the plate? Discover activities that provide pleasure without food.

… and so much more! Get ready to explore new sources of joy and pleasure beyond food. Join us and start your journey to food freedom!

>> Upgrade here for extended access


Video 10

Cravings: Why and How

Maybe you’ve been there – suddenly, a memory of your favorite childhood snack pops into your mind, and the craving hits you out of nowhere. We've all felt the pull of those familiar, comforting foods. But what if you could understand why this happens and take control? On day 10, Dr. Laurie Marbas explores the secrets behind our cravings and how to manage them. You’ll discover:

  • Learn the science behind reward-based eating and how our brains create emotional memories linked to specific foods.
  • The habit loop explained – Understand how neutral, positive, and negative cues influence our eating behaviors.
  • Willpower myths: Discover why willpower alone isn’t enough to overcome cravings and what strategies work better.
  • Explore how mindfulness can help dismantle the habit loop and reduce cravings over time.

...and much more! Equip yourself with the knowledge to conquer your cravings and develop healthier eating habits.

>> Upgrade here for extended access

Upgrade here

Extended access, 9 additional days, More recipes, community, downloads, + a 30-day trial of Feel Fabulous for just $9


Video 11

Practical Hacks to Curb Cravings

You walked by your old favorite coffee shop, smelling the tempting aroma of freshly baked pastries. Even though you're eating healthily, the urge to indulge is strong. How do you resist? On day 11, we dive into practical hacks that make it easier to curb those cravings and stick to your healthy eating habits. Here's what you’ll uncover:

  • Negative Calorie Foods: Discover how starting your meals with specific low-calorie foods can help you eat less overall.
  • Learn about the weight loss benefits of incorporating spices into your diet (and discover the right amount needed).
  • Greens for Breakfast: Find out why having greens in the morning can help curb your appetite throughout the day.
  • Explore how essential oils can surprisingly help you resist temptations and manage cravings effectively (and what they are).

... and there’s plenty more! Whether you're at home, at work, or out with friends, these tips will help you stay on track and achieve your food freedom goals.

>> Upgrade here for extended access


Video 12

Flavorful Meals Made Easy

You're in the kitchen, staring at your usual ingredients, feeling uninspired and wishing for something new to excite your taste buds. You want to mix things up but aren't sure where to begin. On Day 12, our guest chefs share simple yet powerful tips to transform your meals with bold, exciting flavors. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:

  • Discover why roasting intensifies flavors (and learn the simple steps to make your vegetables and fruits taste amazing)..
  • Achieve the rich, caramelized flavors you love in sautéed onions and garlic without using any oil.
  • Discover how to activate all your taste buds by using a variety of spices and herbs—no salt needed.
  • Batch Cooking Tips: Save time and boost flavor by prepping and freezing essentials for quick, flavorful meals anytime.

...and so much more! Say goodbye to boring meals and hello to a world of flavor. Join us and learn how to make every meal a delightful experience!

>> Upgrade here for extended access


Video 13

The Secret to Lasting Weight Loss

Ever wondered why your well-intentioned plans for healthy eating often fall apart? You’ve made a meal plan for the week, filled with nutritious, plant-based options, but by midweek, you're back to old habits. On Day 13, Dr. Rosane Oliveira will guide you through practical strategies to build lasting habits, ensuring your transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet is both effortless and enjoyable. You’ll discover:

  • Why creating consistent daily habits is crucial for long-term weight loss success (and how to start small for big results)
  • How emotions play a crucial role in building habits that stick (and why it’s more than just repetition)
  • Stacking Habits: Learn the technique of stacking new habits onto existing ones to make them stick effortlessly.
  • Uncover the cycle of habits, from triggers to rewards, and how to replace bad habits with healthier ones.

… and so much more! Ready to unlock the secrets to lasting weight loss and build habits that stick? Join us on this transformative journey!

>> Upgrade here for extended access


Video 14

Understanding and Overcoming Barriers

Feeling like you're constantly battling against an invisible force when trying to make healthier food choices? It can be frustrating to feel motivated but still encounter barriers that derail your progress. On Day 14, Dr. Doug Lisle dives into the hidden forces that make it difficult to stick to healthy eating habits and how to overcome them. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Why energy conservation is a key principle in our behavior and how it affects your food choices (and what you can do about it).
  • The Pleasure Trap: Discover how modern food exploits our natural desires for high-calorie foods.
  • How mastering simple kitchen skills can transform your eating habits and make healthy choices easier.
  • The crucial role of learning curves in adopting a healthier diet and how to overcome the initial hurdles.

… and much more! Understand the barriers holding you back and find your path to food freedom. Join us to gain the insights and tools you need to succeed.

>> Upgrade here for extended access

Upgrade here

Extended access, 9 additional days, More recipes, community, downloads, + a 30-day trial of Feel Fabulous for just $9

30 days access to Feel Fabulous to kickstart your journey towards lasting health and wellness


300+ Recipes

100% plant-based, weight loss friendly and just darn delicious


Cooking demos

Including holiday specials to wow your family & friends



At least 2 community live sessions per week + private forum (not on Facebook)


Healthy Lifestyle

Over 250 hours of video covering all aspects so you can feel amazing outside the kitchen too



1. Six months off on the annual plan if you decided to become a member after the 30 days (worth $147)


2. 10 group challenges with topics like Feel Alive, Daily Detox (coming up next!), Younger in 14... our members swear by these challenges to stay motivated and get back on track (worth $970)

Join us

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For $9 you'll get extended access to the Food Freedom Challenge + Downloads + Feel Fabulous. Then it's just $147 per year. You can cancel any time and have 30 days following any payment to request a full refund.

Upgrade here

  • Enjoy the Extended, 14-Day Food Freedom Challenge for just $9
  • On-demand access for 30 days to the exclusive member center of Feel Fabulous (cancel any time)
  • If you don't cancel, you'll automatically receive six months off compared to the monthly plan and become a member for only $147 per year
  • Guaranteed FREE access to 10 group challenges over the next year (worth $970)
  • During the first 30 days you can take full advantage of Feel Fabulous like the 2 weekly live sessions, recipe planner with over 300+ recipes, knowledge vault, cooking demos and more
  • You do not need Facebook or social media to participate in Feel Fabulous - all you need is an internet connection and you can access the member center and private forum anywhere and anytime
  • Plus your decision today is risk-free because of the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee that we offer (you have 30 days to try everything starting today AND an additional 30 days to ask for a refund in case you forget to cancel or change your mind)

Remember: from July 9-13 you can watch 5 videos free of charge. Each video is available for 24 hours before it's replaced with the next one. Or you can upgrade your experience for just $9 on this page.