Great to meet you

At Feel Fabulous we believe that it's never too late to put your health first.

But we know how confusing and frustrating it can be to find the right approach for you. That's why we want to invite you to get to know us first hand and give it a try!

30 Days Access to Feel Fabulous

Your coaches

You'll benefit from decades worth of experience


Dr. Frank Sabatino

Past Health Director of some of the world's leading health centers where he cared for, lectured and inspired thousands of people for 45 years. Tutor to many of the most well-known experts in the field.


Zena Alam

Certified in both the eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Program and Dr. McDougall’s Starch Solution Program. Over two decades of experience including coaching thousands in our programs.


Pam Miller

Registered nurse for 27 years and a family nurse practitioner for 14. Certified in Plant Based Nutrition by eCornell, trained as coach by Wellcoaches and coached participants in our programs.


A word from the founders

Hi there,

Tobi here. By the time my mom turned 40 she was struggling with cancer. She would not see the next decade.

I always wondered what we could have done better. Years later I learned about the profound effects our food and lifestyle has on our weight.

My wife, Rozana, grew up in an obese family where everyone is on medication. And by her early thirties it looked like she'd be next...

So you can imagine we went all in when we discovered how simple tweaks to your food and lifestyle could have a huge effect on our health, weight and outlook in life.

What followed has been a whirlwind of discovery, connection and hope. Through our online events under "Better Life Summits" we've had the honor to connect and learn from over 100 of the world's leading health experts and touch hundreds of thousands of lives...

But we learned how difficult it is to take action and actually experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. So we've made it our mission to create a place where anyone, of any age, can go and find the support, resources, motivation and knowledge they need for their journey.

Feel Fabulous Over Forty is that place and we hope you'll join us!

Last but not least a huge thank you to Chef AJ, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Sabatino, Zena and all the other contributors and community members who've made Feel Fabulous the special place it is today.

Much love,

Tobi & Rozana

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