Train with Angela: Full-Body Workout (With Bands)

If the thought of working out in public sounds like too much for you, you’re not alone.

The good news: the gym is not the only place to get fit – you can get your body moving right in the comfort of your home!

Not sure where and how to start?

Feel Fabulous member and certified trainer Angela is here to help you make those first steps in the right direction… and the best part? You don’t need to leave your home or buy fancy equipment. Simply use your bodyweight as resistance or use exercise bands, if you have them.

If you’ve never used bands before, don’t worry – Angela will demonstrate how to safely use them and provides suggestions on the best type of band for each exercise.

Let’s get going!



Want to invest in these exercise accessories? Here are Angela’s recommendations:
*Note: if you are allergic to latex, it might be challenging to find non-latex or latex-free tubing and monster cords as they need to be strong. 


The exercises in the video are:


Super Sets
  1. Wide Squats – Tubing with clip-on handles if you’re taller; for shorter, use attached handles
    Seated Pulley Row – Monster Cord
  2. Squats – Monster Cord
    Standing Chest Press/Incline Chest Press – Theraband aka Dynaband
  3.  Deadlifts – Tubing with attached handles
    Shoulder Press aka Military Press – Tubing with clip-on handles if you’re taller; for shorter, use attached handles
  4. Tricep Kickback – Exercise Loop
    Bicep Curls – Tubing with clip-on handles if you’re taller; for shorter, use the ones with attached handles

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