Weight loss becomes harder as we age but not all is lost
As we age, we lose muscle mass, the metabolism slows down, joint pains may prevent rigorous exercise, hormones change, eating patterns become more seminararbeit schreiben lassen ingrained...
As a consequence we've found that what used to work for weight loss, is no longer effective. That's why we take a new approach based on three pillars:

Calorie Density
This concept is pioneered by Dr. Barbara Rolls from Penn State University and opens up a new perspective on satiety and hausarbeit schreiben lassen obesity away from macro-nutrients ratios and calorie intake.

Food Addiction
A review of 52 studies found that certain foods can trigger behavior "consistent with ghostwriter preise criteria for other substance use disorder diagnoses". The ripple effects of this are huge and many realize this as the root cause of their struggles.

The WHO reported that "globally, one in every five deaths in adults is associated with unhealthy diet." At the same time, a plant-based diet has been shown to help prevent some of the most common health risks.

About Feel Fabulous
Everyone involved in Feel Fabulous has a personal story with many ups and downs. But we've all come to believe that in order to enjoy life, we have to take control hausarbeit schreiben lassen over our health and well being first.
That's what unites us and with decades of combined experience and hundreds of thousands of lives touched, we're thrilled to invite you to our community.