The Feel Fabulous Blog

Member Spotlight: Shayda

Getting started on the road to a healthier you is hard… but sometimes, it can be even harder to stay the course. The thing is progress is never linear and it’s common to hit a plateau or feel like the weighing scale just doesn’t want to budge even though you’re …

Member Spotlight: Shayda Open »

Member Spotlight: Zena

How Zena started her weight loss journey almost by accident (she’s lost over 100 pounds since) Today, you’ll hear from Zena who’s not only a part of our community but also one of our success coaches. She shares the ups and downs of her lifelong health journey and how finding …

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Chef AJ’s 6 Easy Calorie-Saving Food Swaps

When we start a new way of eating, it’s common to think that we need to overhaul EVERYTHING about the way we cook and eat. And we get it – that can feel overwhelming.  That’s why we always recommend easing into this lifestyle and one simple way to do this …

Chef AJ’s 6 Easy Calorie-Saving Food Swaps Open »

How can we use experiments to challenge the ego trap?

Making a big lifestyle change can come with a lot of trial and error and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But the fear of failing, and in particular failing publicly, stops many of us from even trying. How can we overcome this huge obstacle? Hear from Dr. Doug …

How can we use experiments to challenge the ego trap? Open »

What makes sugar, oil, and salt dangerously addictive for some of us?

Sugar, oil and salt – they’re everywhere in our foods. It may seem like it’s impossible to have delicious and appetizing foods without using those ingredients. Many people think that it’s easy to simply consume sugar, oil and salt moderately and for some, it is possible… but for many others, …

What makes sugar, oil, and salt dangerously addictive for some of us? Open »

Train with Angela: Full-Body Workout (With Bands)

If the thought of working out in public sounds like too much for you, you’re not alone. The good news: the gym is not the only place to get fit – you can get your body moving right in the comfort of your home! Not sure where and how to …

Train with Angela: Full-Body Workout (With Bands) Open »

Why exercise and how to get started (even if you hate it)

We all know that exercise is an important component of overall health… but did you know that it can actually help you deal with food addiction? Today, Chef AJ shares how adding exercise to her routine helped her manage her food addiction and why she recommends it to anyone looking …

Why exercise and how to get started (even if you hate it) Open »

The secret to healthy bones

How can we really take care of our bones? Most of us have grew up hearing that milk is good for our bones – for some of us that’s really all we know about taking care of our bones. Is that true? Is calcium the key to strong healthy bones? …

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Yoga to Lift You Up

Getting healthier is more than just eating healthfully – we should care for our body and mind as well.  Activity and movement is something that often gets neglected in our busy lives. But carving out a bit of time in your day to pause, breathe, and connect with your body …

Yoga to Lift You Up Open »

Why you shouldn’t be weighing yourself every day

The weighing scale. Ahhhh, it’s both a friend and a foe… that number can sometimes make or break our day. And for many of us who are conscientious about our health journey and want to see progress, it’s so tempting to want to weigh ourselves every day. But is taking …

Why you shouldn’t be weighing yourself every day Open »